- Hands on development
- Architecting, scoping and documentation of technical solutions
- Project backlog, estimation and SCRUM management
- Guiding internal technical process
- Quality assurance of all technical output
- Technical consultancy, supporting cross discipline teams and project management during concept, scoping and delivery
- Candidate interviews, selection and line management
- Client consultancy and validation of third party deliverables
While solutions are of course client specific, we introduced a standardised approach to provide cost effective out-of-the-box development which centered on React, Next.js, Typescript, SASS or Styled Components, Express, Docker, AWS and various flavours of JamStack and headless.
- Introduction of standards and best practice
- Setup of Continuous Integration and Delivery pipelines
- Delivery of a headless componentised platform for marketing site deployment across Diageo businesses with three initial brand deployments
- Delivery of a headless global product personalisation and management plaform for Diageo
- Technical leadership and oversight for partner groups and development arms
- Technical design, architecture and pitch delivery across client pitches
- Winning pitches including Innocent Drinks and The Collective