Anti-Bribery and Corruption campaign

Design of campaign posters and assets for this week long awareness initiative.

Euromoney Institutional Investor PLCfor
  • Euromoney PLC
No longer live

Working with the marketing team we consulted with internal stakeholders, advising them to begin a process of treating their internal comms as standalone campaigns with the relevant attention to detail. Rather than producing material that can too often be interpretted as 'just another thing from legal'. An approach that was very successful.

In addition to tasking my team with recording and editing webcasts to be distributed internally, I put together a number of supporting assets for global distribution in multiple languages, including posters, responsive email templates and screen displays to help the legal team get their message across, a few examples of which can be seen below.

Just a quick note to say ‘great job’ on ABC week. I am proud of the way we have worked to bring it all together. I think we have delivered something which is accessible and informative, not always easy for a topic like this. We talk a lot about best-of-both worlds at Euromoney. This has been a standout example of us putting that into practice. Expertise from the centre (across IT, design, marketing, risk, compliance, legal) to help our businesses perform even better. I want to particularly thank Will whose design skills really helped get the message home (I think you may hear from us again!).
Tim Bratton - General Counsel & Company Secretary at Euromoney

ABC Poster Jail Bars

ABC Poster Entertainment Ticket UK A4

ABC Poster Gifts UK A4 ABC Email2 3 @ 600+

ABC TV Entertainment Ticket US 1920x1080

ABC TV Jail 1920x1080

  • Consultancy
  • Visual Design